Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Weather Predictions for Wendsday March 5

My prediction For tomorrow is that we will have a one hour delay. I think this because we have way to many snowdays. The more times that we have to stop school the the longer we will have to go into june, and the administation doesnt want to do that.

This is the predictions on how much snow were supposed to get. Dixfeild is only into the 2-4 zone Thats nothing we have had to come to school with way more snow than that. If it was just snow i dont think we would have a delay, but the ice and frezing rain will become a problem with the roads.

This photo is a radar shot of the upcoming storm. In it you can see that some of the top part has alreeady started to turn to snow and it will turn faster as the sun goes down the tempiture drops and the storm goes north. Because the storm is going to be mostly snow school wont be canceled but the presens of the sleet and frezzing rain will make it a small delay.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Delicious Reflections

Having a delicious account could be usefull for many things it allows us to have all of our favorite websites organized, and accesable from any computer. The fact that we can share the bookmarks with you is another uesfull atribute of delicious. Those are the reasons that delicious is a good use of the powers of the internet.

My delicious account is at

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My First Post

Setting up this blog was very easy. I have worked on blogs in my other computer apps. class and althow it is a different company the idea is basicly the same. The potential for the blog is great we could type all of ower assingnments on here and not have to worrie about losing the work .